Pregnancy - how pleasant, and at the same time hard in this word. Future mothers rejoice in their position, but at the same time, sometimes it is so hard to enter the baby. Let's deal today in what awaits future moms at the 23rd week of pregnancy.
Development of kid
At the 23rd week of tooling the fetus of the doctor, it is broadcast that it is still early to abandon physical activity, because it does not interfere with the natural movements of the body. Daily walks, and, several times a day, are mandatory for the future mother, so walking in the morning and in the evening. It should be noted that in a strong heat - no walking under the hot sun should not be, nothing good groaning rays can do neither mom nor baby.
23 week - it's time to buy pregnant women with comfortable clothes so that it is spacious and is desirable made of natural origin fabrics. High heels are not recommended at this time, descend to a flat move, or, at least, at a low platform. This Council concerns not only your safety (so that you do not fall from the heels), and the health of your blood system. The probability of varicosis during pregnancy is large, and wearing heels with such a load on the body. Even more will aggravate your position. In general, you do not want to swell, and that varicose veins appear on the feet to the birth of the baby.
Changes kid:
- In the tummy, your karapuz is already the size of a small eggplant, its weight is about sheltered, and the growth of no more than 25 cm. On the period under consideration, many pregnant women begin sharp and frequent mood swings, but do not forget that it is necessary to deal with this in obligatory Because your crumb is already feeling and frustrated with mommy, so rejoice and charge positive, because the baby will catch your mood.
- 23 Week - the term at which mommy can try to master any meditation techniques, because this lesson will help her relax all the body, muscles and at the same time breathe correctly. Among other things, this is a great lesson for psychological equilibrium, which every pregnant needs.
What happens on week 23 with baby?
Baby at week 23:
- The fruit never ceases to grow and already from a small boom, a small, tiny little man begins to form in quietly. Fat weight on babies in a shortage. Therefore, toddler cumshes translucent and slightly red. It should be noted that this week the kid develops not only physically, but also mentally, gradually the baby is already starting to hear everything that happens around him.
- It is for this reason that on the period under consideration you need to constantly talk to the baby, to include him a pleasant, relax music, remember, now your baby hears it all, perceives and already begins to analyze everything heard.
Do not forget that the baby will not like too loud and sharp sounds, because he is not used to them, and they can seriously scare him. Avoid stressful situations and conflict people - you should be less nervous and more rest.
Change mommies
Often, unfortunately, it happens that it is on this time that the pregnant women begin to suffer from irregular feces (so-called constipation). This is due to the modifications of the hormonal background (this reason is the source of most changes during pregnancy). In order to avoid such a problem or in case it is already available, it is necessary to consume as much vegetables as possible (which are relevant in this or that season), as well as consume a sufficient amount of water.
- Do not forget that an ordinary person is not desirable to drink water from under the tap, but pregnant women, especially. Preference is worth paying boiled water or purified. It is better not to use the gas to be used during the nipping of the fetus, there is nothing positive and useful in it. In the event that the constipation for a long time do not leave you, it is worth contacting your doctor.
- At the 23rd week of tooling the fetus, Mom can already begin to gain weight, it's gray time, and here you can expect anything. Sometimes it happens that those who have never suffered from excess weight. They are beginning to suffer from this problem on this period of pregnancy.
- According to statistics on the period under consideration. Future mothers can score 5 kg (in general, of course). Miles whose weight was insufficient to pregnancy, can score more than the average pregnant, because the body will fill the lack of mass precisely during the extension of the fetus.
- The mass of the baby should reach the shelter, but no more, if the fruit is coming out for the weight readings under consideration, it is worth mentioning this to your attending physician. The fact is that internal swelling should be excluded, so if such a problem appeared, it will be necessary to sit on a special diet for pregnant women.
- On the period under consideration, the kid becomes more active and mommy feels well, how his clusters and various television drives are rapidly, which can not not be understood. Among other things, it is this week that a woman can already feel how his fruit is playing. Moms should not worry about this. Because this process is natural, the idol begins when the kid accidentally tilted the fluid of the spindle.
Pregnant women should eat right, as well as consume a sufficient amount of water and should not be forgotten by future mommies.