15 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

15 week of pregnancy - what is happening?

15 week of the second trimester of pregnancy is a relatively quiet period in the life of the future mother. Behind the toxicosis, the mood swings, and the rounded tummy still does not interfere with the usual affairs and homemade troubles. What does a fruit look like, and how does the future mother feel at the 15th week of pregnancy?

15 week - what does the fruit look like?

Now the fruit weighs about 50-70 grams, and its length is not more than 10 cm. It is actively growing and changes:

  1. The crook tank is covered with a light flush, which is already thick enough in the head and eyebrows. In the hair follicles begins the development of an enzyme responsible for the color of the baby's hair.
  2. The active formation of the fetus bone system occurs. The baby squeezes, then squeezes the cams, can move their fingers, turns over.
  3. During this period, the cortex of the brain is forming, and the brain hemispheres acquire the shape of the suture and furrow.
  4. The kid can already distinguish sounds, listens to her mother's voice and reacts to the light, although the eyes are still covered with centuries. Own sinks are fully formed.
  5. The gallbladder begins to develop a bile that will be formed in the original feces.
  6. The baby can already inhale and spit out amniotic fluid, so there is a peculiar training of pulmonary fabric, preparation for the first sigh.
  7. The boys begins to develop a hormone testosterone and you can already determine the sex of the child in the ultra of the ultrasound.

What does the belly look like at week 15?

By the 15th week, the tummy is no longer hidden from others, since together the growing fruit increases in the sizes of the uterus. The waist loses its own former outlines and breaks out, tight things emphasize the abdominal roundance. Especially noticeable protruding tummy when driving twins. On this period, a dark band may appear on the stomach, which starts from the navel and goes down. The strip disappears shortly after the birth of the baby.

Feeling pregnant at week 15

Despite the emotional stability and tranquility, which occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman may experience hot flashes physical activity. She can not sit still, and full of energy. During this period, the following physical sensations:

  • There is a strengthening of skin pigmentation;
  • Often it lays nose without visible signs of cold;
  • There sensitivity of the teeth and gums. This may be a signal of lack of calcium in the body;
  • Possible convulsions in the calf muscles due to shortage of potassium, and calcium;
  • The woman improves appetite. She was concerned about constipation, flatulence, heartburn appears due to displacement of the diaphragm;
  • Nipples retain their sensitivity and begin to secrete colostrum.

Possible problems in the 15 week of pregnancy

  • Many expectant moms experience pain in the abdomen, which provoke a variety of factors. The main reason for non-intrusive abdominal pain is a strong growth and an increase in the uterus and muscles associated with it. But if the pain is a vivid character, pulling or cramping, extending to the lumbar region - this is a dangerous signal that could mean a threat of termination of pregnancy. Especially if accompanied by severe pain spotting. In this case, a medical emergency.
  • At week 15, after prolonged sitting in one position, you may experience pain coccyx area. The reason discomfort - uterine pressure and the displacement of internal organs, which leads to the pinching of the nerve endings. To avoid pain, doctors recommend not sit long in one place and move more.
  • Often expectant mothers suffer from headaches, to cope with that will help walks in the fresh air, light exercise, sweet herbal tea or warm shower.
  • Should pay attention to the state of teeth and bones, to diversify your diet foods rich in calcium.

15th Week - the period of active growth of the fetus and the formation of important organs of the baby. Expectant mother must rationally organize the daily routine: get plenty of rest, good nutrition, do light gymnastics, or relaxing yoga. All these recommendations will contribute to the successful course of pregnancy.

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