How to translate the phone to the tone mode

How to translate the phone to the tone mode

Some instructions or subscriber support service are asked to translate a telephone to a tone set mode. The usual user may not be quite clear what and how to do. Therefore, below we describe in detail what actions will have to make to achieve the desired one.

Transfer the phone to the tone mode

If you have a preserved instruction from the telephone, the easiest way to use it. If this method is not available, first we define, in what mode our device works (and there are two):

  • raise the tube of the machine and listen to the audio signals;
  • if you are heard when the number is heard, the phone is in a pulse mode;
  • if the beep is heard - it means that the tone is turned on.

How to translate the device from one mode to another? There are several ways:

  • for some types of telephone sets, the simplest way to change modes is the press of the button in the form of an asterisk "*";
  • in addition, there may be switches with marks "P" or "T" (P - for pulse, T - for tone modes, more often found on models with a dial);
  • if the above methods did not work, it is recommended to search for the Internet and download the instructions for your model (the phone can switch to special key combinations, different for each manufacturer).

It should be remembered that the random press of all in a row keys can output the telephone set. First of all, just remove the tube and listen to the sounds published. No less logical way to handle the device is a challenge of a specialist from a telephone company that provides communication services.

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