How to dress in the summer girl

How to dress in the summer girl

When still, if not in summer, wear lung sundresses and short shorts, bright T-shirts and seductive tops. But is always appropriate such an outfit ...

Office clothes

In hot weather in the office, we have a restrained model of sundresses and dresses from natural fabrics that will not distract you from work and your employees. If the dress code does not allow cade shoulders, wear light shirts and blouses complete with skirts and pants from flax or cotton. In addition, shoes - boats on heels, closed top sandals.
Do not dress in too bright outfits, in stuff from synthetic fabrics, very short skirts and dresses.

Outfit for meeting with girlfriend

For this occasion, your favorite things are suitable: sundresses, bright outfits, ripped shorts. They may be old and not very fashionable, but remind you of a pleasant case in your relationship. The main thing is comfort. A walk with a friend can be delayed for a long time. Therefore, the clothes should not distract you from communicating with an expensive person.

Glamor for party

A special place in the wardrobe girl takes clothes for parties and clubs. Boldly dress extravagant outfits, if the figure allows you to wear ultra-screwed dresses. Always in fashion denim clothing, it is appropriate for a party. Very profitable here looks white clothes. Your outfit should not shove the movement, but should be your decoration. Shoes - high-heeled sandals, let and not comfortable, but very sexy. Accessories wear bright and bold, but it should be remembered that they are easily lost in a crowded company. Online store bags and accessories

On a date with a young man

Contrary to all overlooking opinions, men love feminine girls, and that, as they do not make them make them. For this occasion, dress a light dress of light tones. And if you want to surprise your boyfriend, put on a laconic red dress. Do not dress new or uncomfortable clothing, it will only make you nervous and feel uncomfortable. Place a date also affects the choice of your dress - a restaurant or cinema. In a T-shirt and jeans, you will be ridiculous to look at the table of an exquisite restaurant, and a cocktail dress is hardly able to consider in the dark hall of the cinema. Pick up in accordance with the style of clothing.

Wedding dress

Your girlfriend has such an important day, and you are as witnesses. Your outfit should be harmonized with a witness's clothing or match the dress code of this wedding. There should be no frank outfits, it should not be denim, because the holiday has the official part, and you should look decent.

On the beach - fulfill

Beach outfit is the most uncomplicated - shorts of all colors and styles, straps on straps, transparent sundresses, shale and sandals - and this is not the entire list. The whole day in the sun is dangerous overheating, so get comfortable about the headdress, better with wide fields. If you want to hide partially body, take a pareo beach. And the most necessary element of the beach dress is a swimsuit. Models and color gamas are shocked by their manifold, choose by you. The beach accessories are not appropriate, and the sunglasses are more need, rather than the decoration.

The summer wardrobe girl is unmanaged, but it always has a place for fashionable new products, stylish things and good mood.

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