What is profitable to buy on Aliexpress

What is profitable to buy on Aliexpress

Instead of buying a subject in a local store, many people prefer to write out things from different online stores. One of the largest is Aliexpress..

The profitability of the purchase of S. Aliexpress. You can consider in two aspects:

  • purchase of goods for resale;
  • buying goods for your own use.

Consider each of them separately.

What is profitable to buy on Aliexpress - Buying goods for resale

When buying a product for resale it is imperative that the goods have a real value for the consumer, while its price was acceptable. Several trend goods on which you can make a business:

  • Spinner. Today, the so-called spinner is extremely popular among young people, which helps a person to relax or concentrate attention. Find Spinner by Aliexpress. You can enter the word "spinner" in the search location.

A large range of this product will open. Since many different spinners are sold in Russia, it is worth searching for some new model that is not yet on the market. We indicate the price filter from the lowest to the highest price and choose a model corresponding to the criteria for uniqueness and your personal budget.

  • Fitness tracker. A unique invention that will be extremely useful for people actively engaged in sports. The bracelet, depending on the model, has a varied functionality. Nadev bracelet, the athlete will be able to track its pulse, spent energy, dropped calories, etc. Due to the fact that the sport has become an integral part of the life of many people, this product is very relevant today. The price of the bracelet varies from 350 to 2,500 rubles.

  • Children's Designer "Funny Bricks". Designer with details that allow the child to realize his fantasy. With this designer, the child will be able to build a variety of structures, buildings, cars, etc. The price of such a designer on average is 3000 p. Despite the high price, children's goods have always been popular with parents who want to please their child. Having bought the goods for 3000 p. You can safely sell it for 4500 - 5000.

  • Smart watch. Multifunctional clock in which you can insert a SIM card, talk, write different applications and even take photos. Smart watches in 2017 are gaining more and more popularity not only among young people, but also among older people. The price on average on "Smart Watch" is 1000 p. Having bought this gadget, it can be easily reselling for 2000 - 2500 p.

  • Iphone covers. IPhone is extremely popular in Russia due to its multifunctionality. Fashion on Apple phone does not pass for a long time. That is why it is very profitable to sell covers, armor or other protective shells for iPhone. They are sold in the branches of the store, but at a higher price and with a small range, on Aliexpress You can find covers of different colors, with different designs. The average price is 150 p.

What is profitable to buy on Aliexpress - buying goods for your own

It is clear that buying a large technique (TV, computer, washing machine, etc.) on Aliexpress It is not entirely profitable, due to the costs of customs clearance.

Below is a list of products that can be purchased profitable, while saving enough of the amount of money:

  • Computer components. It is very easy to order a good video card (and not only) for a computer at a low price. Basically, the sellers of computer accessories in Russia sell them by $ 50-100 more expensive than in online stores. We enter the name of the desired product in the search string, for example, "Motherboard" or "Video Card", choose the model you need, which fits into our budget and write out.

  • Mobile phones. Find a good phone on Aliexpress at an affordable price is not difficult. We drive into the search engine the desired model, we specify the price range in the appropriate fields, select the seller and order.

  • Jewelry and watch. Beautiful and fashionable jewelry from $ 5 and above Aliexpress Uyma. Prices of elegant and richly looking clock starts from $ 30.
    To open a list of products, hover the mouse to the "Jewelry and Clock" tab and select the category you need.

Note: It is important to remember that not all sellers on Aliexpress honest. Some can send a product that does not comply with the description. Others are not sent at all. For such cases, there is support by writing in which the problems of this kind can be solved. Despite this before ordering, see the rating of the seller, read comments, look at reliability.

  • Seller rating. Rating shows the average value of buyers' ratings. See the rating to be above 4 stars.

  • Comments. Buyers often leave their comments about the purchased product. Read them carefully and draw conclusions.

  • Reliability. The reliability of the seller determines itself Aliexpress Based on customer feedback.

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