Web Cameras Novosibirsk online

Web Cameras Novosibirsk online

Novosibirsk is a huge, beautiful city that does not accidentally consider Siberia's capital - it takes 3rd place in the Russian Federation in terms of population. Web Cameras Novosibirsk online broadcast the species of the most significant objects, city streets, intersection. This allows real-time control of road situations, the presence of traffic jams, see everything that happens in the city, evaluate the magnificence and the grandeur of the center of the Great Siberia.

Webcam "Opera House"

The webcam, located on the October highway, opens the central part of the city. Here at the intersection of the station and the Red Avenue there is a small part of the past, causing nostalgia. The construction of the early 20th century, the Opera and Ballet Theater - the largest in the country, Square in front of him with a monument to Lenin and proletarians, to the right of the mayor's office in front of him. The cultural and architectural heritage of the megapolis is carefully preserved.

Web Camera "Lenin Square"

Lenin Square - Home and Central Square of the city. Her webcam looks in the direction of crossing Lenin Street and Red Avenue. On the expanses of this extensive area are all traditional holiday urban events: the Victory Parade on May 9, the City Day. The webcam has a high resolution and leads around the clock broadcast. You can clearly consider the building of the Museum and the City Hall.

Webcam "Street Sunrise - October Bridge"

The webcam reflects entry to the grand communal (October) bridge over the river Ob - the seventh miracle of the light of Novosibirsk, the symbol of the city, like the Opera House. It connects two large municipal areas: Leninsky and Oktyabrsky. Before the construction of the bridge there was only a ferry crossing, in the winter was moving in the ice. In October 1955, the bridge was built and called "Oktyabrsky". This is a special bridge consisting of 7 spans, the only one at that time.

Web Camera "Street Planning"

Novosibirsk is the city of the past and the future. The old buildings here are a bit - he developed with the construction of the railway. No city of the country was built so quickly. The increase in its population has become a record in 1962, it is not exceeded so far. Webcam installed at the street crossing planned. It is located on her main entrance to the city zoo. Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest in Russia.

Webcam "Metro Gagarinskoye. Red Avenue "

Novosibirsk - the city of grand sizes. He won world glory and fame thanks to Akademgorodok, located 28 km from the city. The problem of communication with the growth of the population was becoming more acute. Metropolitan built in Novosibirsk is the first and only in Siberia. The webcam is directed along the street Red Avenue, where one of the metro stations is "Gagarinskaya". Its design in silver-blue tones is dedicated to cosmic subjects.

Webcam "Central Park" online

Central Park is the oldest in the city and the largest, located in the center of Novosibirsk. Its area is 10.5 hectares. Planetarium, theater of a musical comedy, a lot of attractions and playgrounds built in a culture and recreation park. The swivel web camera of the Central Park will allow you to make a virtual journey under the shadow of oldest colorful trees, take a break from the urban fuss, standing near the scene and looking into the camera, transfer the brings close.

Webcam "Square Power Engineers"

Energy Square is a major transplant node of Novosibirsk. Movement is sent from Tolmachevo Airport, Ob city, on the highway connecting the right and left shores. On this area there is a number of significant objects of the city: the club of paraplaneers, DK them. Clara Zetkin, shops, offices of transport companies, legal offices. At night, the webcam overlooks the energy area demonstrates a picture resembling frames from a fantastic film.

Novosibirsk is still inferior to the largest megalopolis in the number of web cameras. But their number increases all the time. Under the visibility of webcams of Novosibirsk online are key plants of the city, which increases the level of comfort and security of residents. And for the guests of the capital of Siberia this opportunity to get to know her closer in a short time.

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