What a dream to sweep?

What a dream to sweep?

What does a night vision in which you had to sweep? This action is ambiguous interpretation, since explanation of sleep depends on its details.

Sweep in a dream - an explanation of known interpreters

  • Interpretation of dream book of the XXI century. If you dream you decide to clean and sweep all the garbage from home, in reality you will experience an extraordinary burst of energy, success in business. Do not miss the opportunity to improve the financial situation of the owl. If the house sweeps an unmarried person, then soon she will get married and move to its half.
  • Explanations Tsvetkov. Sweeping in the night visions - to wealth in reality.
  • Interpretation of Medea. If you decide to sweep, you might want to get rid of something extra. This may be a change of occupation, the rupture of relations or throwing rubbish. But if you have trouble seeing the garbage that sweep, beware. You almost do not control their lives, exposed to accidental circumstances.
  • Interpretation of Miller. If the vision that is necessary to sweep, was the woman - a good sign. In her life there is harmony, and family - understanding. See debris, dirt and do not want to get rid of them, to trouble. It can be as little distress and serious trouble.
  • Interpretation of Vanga. Dream book suggests that in the near future awaits the dreamer's success, career and wealth. To achieve these goals need to be more tolerant of others.

Sweep in dreams - where there is a cleaning service?

Of great importance in the interpretation of visions playing area, which had to sweep.

  • If the dreamer is sweeping its own yard (removes last year's leaves and other debris), you'll be ready to do anything to restore relations after experiencing conflict.
  • carpet sweeping points to a desperate desire to change the current place of residence. If this vision was a girl, a high probability that in the near future it will move to the elect.
  • Cleaning someone else's housing indicates that sleeping too much time pays out someone's concerns. Such a kindness leads to the fact that you pay very little time to your loved ones. Alternative explanation - misunderstanding.
  • If you decide to fit your porch, it is worth being careful. In reality, you will come across a condemnation and even a spriter. The slander can spoil not only your mood, but also a reputation.
  • Attempts fitting the street indicate the desire to improve relationships with others. If events occur in the warm season, you are preparing a pleasant surprise for a close friend or relative.

Sweep in dreams - your actions with garbage

  • If all the outdated dirt remained on a scoop - you are peculiar to the freedom of thinking and mental harmony. You are almost impossible to deceive or output.
  • The assembled garbage is thrown out for the threshold - you are strongly configured to move forward, without lingering in the past.
  • Despite all attempts to remove the garbage, he remained in place - an unexpected visit to the guests is possible. It can be both friends and distant relatives. Their presence will be pleasant, but obsessive.

Sweep in dreams - Vision details

  • If during the sweeping you constantly interferes - it expects a heavy, but profitable job ahead.
  • Cleaning a large amount of garbage speaks about getting rid of the needle problems. If this garbage is dust - your works will be in vain.
  • Sweep someone else's broom - holding a pleasant evening in the company of friends.
  • Use the broken broom (or broom broke in the cleaning process) - Beware of the discontinuities of competitors. Under threat your reputation.
  • Sweep a large broom - "black" band is nearing completion. Nervous tension will go on a decline, conflicts exhausted themselves.

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