What dream room in a dream?

What dream room in a dream?

Dreams in which the dreamer is steamed in a bath, bring a sense of freshness and a new beginning. They leave behind a sense of ease and confidence. But what these dreams mean really?

Greek Dream

Greek dream interpretation ascribes bath as important, what it gave in ancient Russia. The Greeks also tell fortunes, predicting the future and be treated in the baths, as the Slavs. It was believed that the bath clarifies thoughts and gives a person the beauty.

  • The dreamer, who saw in a dream bath can expect from the fate of interesting gifts in the future. He will have good luck and happiness. But if in a dream in the process of bathing, he did not undress, then later he strongly make a slip on the job because of laziness and it will not go unnoticed.
  • Cold, unheated room in a dream - a sign of health problems, which will overtake the dreamer or his family very soon. If the check point heated room so that it is impossible to be - then any action harmful to others' well-being asleep.
  • Burn from steam bath speaks of unrequited love and emotional agony. Painful blows with a broom in the bath - a symbol of the dreamer waiting for gossip.
  • Divination in the bath - a bad sign, symbolizing failure in life. The fall in the bath - a warning about the evil deeds of a loved one.
  • Bathing in the bath of the new symbol of the dreamer's tendency to envy. But if the dreamer in a dream to build bathhouse with his hands, then in life it tends to quickly build a family nest.

Freud's dream book

Freud value baths dream attributes to images of women or female genital mutilation. Consequently, with a bath and dreams concerning health or relationships with the opposite sex.

  • If in the process of washing in the bath dreamer feels pleasure, it means that the sexual life is not satisfactory.
  • Burns from steam, the risk poisoned by fumes or cold symbolize problems with personal life.
  • Shooting in or running out of the bath represents copulation process.
  • Diving in cold water or snow promises a dreamer quick change of partner.
  • Wash in the bath is not stripped is ashamed of his body. But soared in the bath dressed usually those dreamers, who prefer safe sex unprotected.

Dream Miller

According to the dream book of special importance in a dream the dreamer's actions are in the bath, as well as the type of baths themselves and the environment in the process of swimming.

  • If the dreamer has chosen to swim Turkish bath or Turkish way of washing, so in the near future he will be away from home and friends and the way it will overtake the disease. Despite this surprise trip will nonetheless enjoyable.
  • If the dreamer peeping how to clean other people - means to expand his circle of friends and soon he will find a lot of interesting interlocutors.
  • If you sleep in a dream soared in the bath or sauna, then among his circle of acquaintances is very much easy coming out of himself and the people he should be careful in dealing with them.
  • If you dream dreamer out of the bath - it is a symbol of its reconciliation with its anxieties, calm and understanding how they are vain.

combined Dream Book

According to the dreamer's integrated Sonnikov should pay attention to the color of steam bath, its neatness and their own actions.

  • Scrubbing to a shine bath full of light steam dreamer promises happiness in life and endless fun in the affairs of the family. Dirty, neglected room promises a split in the family and the difficulties in life.
  • When the dreamer sees in a man-bath, which did not take off the clothes, it means that it waits for a bad date. Also, this dream can symbolize sickness or trouble, from which spoil the mood.
  • When the dreamer sings songs bath - soon he can then put behind bars. But the observation of people bathing symbolizes speedy acquaintance with a pleasant man. Dancing in the bath portend disease to whom dream.
  • If the sleeping dreams as he enters the bath, then in front of him waiting for a longing and a sense of hopelessness. If out - so it is waiting for a cheerful life full of fun and joy.
  • If sleep spying on women in the future it will be disappointed, and if the men - the financial losses. The worst sign - blood in the bath. It means the death of an important person for the dreamer.

Family Dream Book

According to this dream book room in many ways symbolizes family life or relationships with loved ones. Particular attention should be paid to its own actions in the bath - they help to decipher the meaning of the dream.

  • Bath had a dream promises a quick assignation. If the dreamer does not just see it, and in addition it will wash - his appointment will bring him disappointment. If he builds a bath - a date into something more, and he will be beloved.
  • If the dreamer was watching the construction of the bath, but does not take part in it - someone will steal the love of his life. If he lit bath or watched as it burned, it is a symbol of a large family scandal.

Dreams of the baths are almost always positive, since they are closely related to water that cleanses and renews the person. If the dream promises something bad, do not worry - any trouble, you can prepare in advance.

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