Horoscope for 2019 year - scales

Horoscope for 2019 year - scales

Scales in the year of the yellow pig will continue its measured life. Special splashes and sudden changes are not expected, but the star's change is advised to think. It's time to start writing a book or work scientific work. Your works will definitely not be ignored.

Love, family, relationship

Lonely scales will swim in the attention of fans, but one will not be able to choose one in 2019. In the near future, you get used to such a position and you will try to create love triangles. Such intrigues will bring you a special pleasure. But be careful, there is a danger to wander the feeling of your fans.

  • family scales will feel warm and caring in the house, will try to create comfort and show special tender feelings;
  • in many weights, an opponent may appear (but your wisdom will win in this battle);
  • Scales will start spending more time with children (they will help you understand your destination in the family);
  • at the end of spring, a large surge of sexual energy is expected;
  • The scales will feel desirable and loved ones, your close man will begin to put attention signs and give dear gifts;
  • in winter, in pairs in which the head is the scales, there will be a disorder and even a short gap (but soon the scales will understand their wrongness and return harmony into relationships);
  • many scales in the year of the pig will behave near the crown (this year is considered one of the most favorable to create a strong marriage);
  • relationships that you will be in a burden will be held without a painful gap for both sides;
  • Scales will maintain loyalty to their partner, despite the irresistible desire to start a novel on the side;
  • the fleeting summer novels will not give a positive result, you will not feel satisfied;
  • Scales, even those who did not want to start children in 2018, will begin to think about replenishment;
  • single weights at the end of winter awaits a fateful meeting (your task is not to miss your destiny).

Work and career

The takeoff on the career staircase is not expected, but there will be no fall. You will work for conscience and for this you will be awarded (the increase in wages is noted for autumn).

  • among the colleagues, you will be a respected person, but it will not be able to find friends among them;
  • the leadership will be quite your efforts, however, talking about it is not in a hurry (so you will begin to cope with the thoughts about changing the work);
  • Libra will begin to attract creative professions (why not do music or sign up for drawing courses?);
  • you will continue to incarnate your goals that were conceived back in 2018;
  • it is the scales that will raise the corporate spirit in the team, the rest will start at you;
  • at the end of the summer, a good offer is expected or a favorable contract (you need to pull a little time so that the case is burned);
  • do not try to find another part-time job, you cannot sit on two chairs.


Yellow pig has already prepared a pleasant gift for you in the form of a huge health bag. Scales will feel the tide of energy, and chronic diseases will begin to retreat. At the same time, you must comply with a healthy lifestyle. Weekly recommended to get up early and get the first rays of the sun.

  • women need to visit the cardiologist in the middle of autumn;
  • men need to take care of the state of the muscles (in the summer to give up excessive loads);
  • Sighs are recommended to perform respiratory gymnastics;
  • spring strengthen the body with vitamins;
  • the conception of children needs to be planned in the spring (this period is considered the most favorable for normal pregnancy and birth of a child);
  • kidney disease (if they were) with proper treatment will be held without complications.

Financial position

Get ready to buy a larger wallet, as the material position of the scales will increase dramatically. Possible influx of light money won in the lottery. Throughout the year, this zodiac sign will not need money. Scales will begin to think about buying real estate or new car. However, an increase in your financial condition does not need to be shown in humans. Giving money loan at the beginning of the summer will entail serious material losses.

Now you know that 2019 has prepared a large number of pleasant surprises for weights. Be confident in your abilities and the stars will help you realize your plans.

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